Sunday, June 7, 2020

How To Make A Solar Panel From CDs

Wow! It is awesome!

How To Make A Solar panels From CDs

According to the technology, solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) modules convert sunlight into energy by attractive electrons in silicon cells using light photons from the sun. This energy can then be used to supply your home or commercial facilities with energy from renewable sources even with the sun Panel At home with CDs

In the digital age, many music-lovers have discarded CDs in favor of iTunes, MP3s and Windows Media Player. Portable music players are no larger than a silver dollar and easily connect to computers for music updates. This leaves music aficionados with blank and burned CDs they no longer need. You could simply toss or recycle them, but you could also take advantage of their reflective surfaces to create your own solar heating panel. The process is so simple, a teen could make one for her room in an afternoon.

Steps for making solar panels

Measure the length and width of your window and upload four inches to both measurements. Cut a few boxes with your software knife to form your expanded size. For example, a large 24-inch window with a length of 36 inches wants a rectangle of 28 inches and a length of 40 inches.

Spray the black aspects of your cardboard. Let the paint dry for one day. If the card requires several layers, let each layer dry for about an hour before applying the next one.

Cut four square inches from each corner of the rectangle. Bend the edges of the cards until the corners meet to form a container. The black part must be in the box. Tape the corners with tape.

Arrange your CD in a row in a box with the side lights out. They have a small space because most CDs are about 5 inches in size. this is good. Try to keep the line as long as possible. The bottom row should touch the bottom panel, and the top row should touch the top. This shows how many CDs you need. In this situation around 5 columns with 7 CDs each.

Use a pencil to mark the center holes in the top and back rows of the CD. Remove the CD and cut this hole with your software knife. Attach the CD to this hole with high-quality glue. Paste the rest of the CD and leave a small area above the bottom row and below the top row. Go and under the middle row.

Cut 4 rectangular boxes 4 inches and three quarters as long as your area is wide - 16 inches in this situation. Place it in your box in an area like a labyrinthine barrier. Squared the first on the left side of the box above the bottom row of the CD, the second on the right side below the middle row, 1/3 on the left side above the middle row and close to the right veneer below the top row. Let the glue dry overnight.

Cut small plastic 3 inches longer and wider than your box. Stretch the droplet over the box and glue it to the edge to make the seal as tight as possible. Let the glue dry for a day. Drill two holes in the top corner of the box and slide the S-hook through each hole. Hold the panel in the south window.

Give him proportions, That's How to make a sun Panel At home with CDs

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